Software Process Models


C.T.N. Strong

To determine the most appropriate generic software process model to implement, one should choose according to what is best for the type of system being developed. Also, one must take into consideration how ethical practices impact the selection of models for a particular proposed. The waterfall system would be the more appropriate generic software process model for the implementation of a system to control anti lock braking in a car. The ethical reasoning surrounding this processing model is based on the importance of selecting a model which ensures the safety of the consumer and builds trust in the use of the car. The waterfall system is a model which requires detailed analysis and proper documentation before any implementations are put into place. In the waterfall system, each phase is to be reviewed and checked off before another phase begins (Sommerville, 2015). Because of the importance of consumer lives and safety the waterfall system undoubtedly is the most ethically and plan driven model to choose. In a virtual reality system to support software maintenance the more appropriate generic software process model would be the integration and configuration model. The ethical reasoning surrounding this process model surrounds the use of reused based development which takes previously used components and integrates them into a new system. This will save development time and resources. When taking copies of the real system to create a virtual reality system, developers need to set boundaries of what  information from organizations’ databases are moved over to the virtual reality system to ensure that confidentiality is still preserved within the virtual reality. A university accounting system that replaces an existing system and an interactive travel planning
system that helps users plan journeys with the lowest environmental impact are the last two systems scenarios, and both would best derive from an incremental process model. Ethical situations to take into consideration when dealing with a university accounting system is to make sure one chooses a process model that will uphold not only the security of the accounting information but also allows for the ongoing continuation of the accounting practices which would ensure that the university upholds the integrity of its accounting practices. Using the incremental process is the best way to make changes to an existing system without having an overhaul of changes at once, this way changes can be made in a function-to-function manner. The ethical considerations when developing an interactive travel planning system are ensuring user confidentiality as well as maintaining user overall system experience. The incremental process model allows for communication and feedback from the user as changes are being made (Sommerville, 2015). The incremental process model also allows for changes to be made based on unexpected situations that arise during the development. For example, if developers realized from a bad user review that certain aspects need to be revised, using the incremental process model is more convenient to making those on-the-fly changes because it is not heavily weighed down by system requirements and documentations, thus making it an ideal choice when developing user-centric systems.


Sommeville , I (2015). Software Engineering (10th e d.). Pearson. ISBN- 9780133943030